Keno Expert USA
and Keno Expert USA For Casinos are applied to all Keno 80 throughout the world drawing twenty numbers.
Their search engine of combinations is optimized to the maximum and adapted to any type of keno 80 (even 5 minutes keno), which no other software is able to realize and which makes Keno Expert USA a new generation product.

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Place77 5 stars review for Keno Expert USA

Why choose this software ?



5 Stars Awarded on Best Vista Downloads

Keno Expert USA is above all the guarantee to have an unequalled depth for statistics on Keno 80, this depth ensuing naturally from the calculation speed of the software.
Indeed, it makes you save a precious time
(ideal for short time calculation between two draws of casino games!) and get statistical results 100% reliable.
Unique speed and calculation depth

100% reliable 5 Stars!

Stemming from a very advanced study of algorithmics, Keno Expert USA is a High-powered software designed to analyse statistics for Keno 80.  It calculates the combinations of Keno with a challenging and unique speed.
By using it, you can let your imagination run without being limited to all your requests on the numbers you wish to analyse. This software will charmed you by its calculation speed and its very ergonomic interface.

High-powered engine

Very ergonomic interface


You thought that the calculations were (rightly!) astronomical and impracticable? Keno Expert USA proves you the opposite because it is able to give you the 10 most drawn numbers combinations among about 1700 billions (1.65 * 1012 combinations!!!)  And you must think " this certainly at a prohibitive time " and well not, very fast!!  (About only one minute on a computer of 600 Mhz!). Since this is the most complex calculation, it gives you an idea of the speed for the combinations of less than 10 numbers.

10 most drawn numbers combinations among about
1700 billions
(1.65 * 10
12 combinations!!!) 5 Stars!

Keno Expert USA is a powerful help tool for your decisions concerning the combinations you wish to play.

For any method you want to apply to any question you want to ask, Keno Expert USA leaves you completely free. You just have to select the search criteria that you want and Keno Expert USA will answer you with a maximum of efficiency.

Maximum of efficiency


Besides, Keno Expert USA For Casinos allows a LIVE UPDATE of draws directly from the Internet !

KxUs For Casinos include perpetual live update of draws from the Internet 5 Stars!

Best Software Editorial Award

Keno Expert USA is without question the best tool to help you making the winning choice in your future selections. With its possibilities and its execution speed, it's the essential support for every player searching for detailed statistics.
If you wish to have a considerable advantage compared to the other players, then it's made for you ! Learn more...


Last update of the site : July 2024



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