FAQ: Why choose Loto Excel Universal ?

Here is a sample group of Loto Excel Universal possibilities through examples of questions (FAQ's) that everyone can ask himself on 6/N lotteries.
REMINDER: **1** these questions are only examples, your field of investigation is not limited  **2** For european users, the present version includes a conversion in your old currency !




Here are the most frequently asked questions by the users of Loto Excel Universal



The answers are developed below


Has my favourite combination (date of birth, winning combinations, favorite numbers) already been drawn ?

Can I know the prizes report concerning a combination over any period ?

Which numbers were the most drawn in the last 100 days ?

Which are the numbers having the biggest distance at the time of the analysis ?

How to know the ideal partners ?

Which are the most drawn 6 numbers combinations ?

Which are the less drawn 3 numbers combinations ?

Which are the combinations with my selection of favorite numbers that were the more or less drawn (going from 2 to 7 numbers) ?

I want to know the 4 numbers combinations with the number 24 never drawn !

I want to know the DistanceMax made by a number !

Which is the 2 numbers combination with the oldest drawn date ?

How to display the drawn historic as well as the summary of the statistics for any number, any row and any combination ?

Can I choose not to take into account the bonus number in the analyses made by Loto Excel Universal ?


Has my favourite combination (date of birth, winning combinations, favorite numbers) already been drawn ?

Nothing easier, you choose your combination using the selection grid and Loto Excel Universal answers immediatly at your request by including in the statistics table not only the first prize row of the desired combination but also all the other rows.

Example : for a 6 numbers combination 

03 04 07 10 24 38


Explanation of wording

Match: the various prize rows 
(6 numbers out of 6 , 5 numbers out of 6 etc...)

Drawn: number of occurrences of the row (here 2 times for 6/6)

Date: date of the last drawn of the row 
(here on Wednesday, September 22, 1993 for the row 6/6)

Distance: number of consecutive draws without the presence of the row (here 1951 draws for the row 6/6) 

Distance max: maximum of consecutive draws without the row
    1st number in brackets: number of occurrences of this maximum distance
    2nd number in brackets: last draw following maximum distance 
(for our example, the row 6/6 stayed 1951 times not drawn and it occurred only 1 time, the draw 1719 is following this maximum distance)

Chain: number of consecutive draws containing the row 
(in regard to the upper draw)

Chain max: maximum of consecutive draws containing the row
    1st number in brackets: maximum number of occurrences of this chain
    2nd number in brackets: last draw ending the chain
( For our example, the row 6/6 was drawn 2 times once, and the draw 1719 is the last ending the chain)



Can I know the prizes report concerning a combination over any period ? Click on Add of statistics table relating to the combination, then switch to Results tab and click on Prizes Report, you immediately obtain a prizes summary for the current combination.

Example : always for our 6 numbers combination


Statistics for 3678 draws
from Wednesday, May 19, 1976
to Saturday, February 08, 2003

PRIZES REPORT (for all the games and all the prize rows) :

Combination 1 (6 numbers) : 3 4 7 10 24 38 (Bet: 0,3 $)
For 0,3 $ on all the period; Investment= 1,103,40 $
Detail of prize rows :
Row1 (6 numbers) --> 0 ; prize= 0,00 $
Row2 (5 numbers + b) --> 2 ; prize= 12,895,66 $
Row3 (5 numbers) --> 0 ; prize= 0,00 $
Row4 (4 numbers + b) --> 0 ; prize= 0,00 $
Row5 (4 numbers) --> 3 ; prize= 55,94 $
Row6 (3 numbers + b) --> 4 ; prize= 3,66 $
Row7 (3 numbers) --> 60 ; prize= 96,79 $

Total prize for all the rows = 13,052,05 $



Which numbers were the most drawn in the last 100 days ? You will have no problem to make this type of calculation because Loto Excel Universal gives you the opportunity of changing the interval of study on which applies the statistics. You can sort any column of the table thus generated, simply by clicking the wording of those. (ascending or descending sort illustrated by the small triangle in the wording of the current sorted column)
For example, it is very usefull to highlight in a fast way which are the most drawn numbers for the last 100 draws (column Drawn).

: For the last 100 days, the most drawn number is 20.



Which are the numbers having the biggest distance at the time of the analysis ? You just have to sort the Distance column from statistics table (Numbers tab) according to the descending order.

: Here, this number is 19.




How to know the ideal partners ? To find the ideal partners for a number or a group of numbers, it's very simple:

- Switch to "Combinations according to the limits"
- In the selection grid, you select the numbers for which you want to know the ideal partners (checkbox must be green, i.e. you must double click because it's an absolute selection).
- Before beginning the calculations, you have to activate the sort options and choose the "Drawn" criteria and the descending order .
- Click on buttons COMB2 to COMB10 to obtain the "ideal partners".

Example : Here for number 24, the ideal partner is 18, the combination 18 24 being the most drawn (96 times).




Which are the most drawn 6 numbers combinations ? Switch to the Combinations tab, and in the more or less drawn combinations mode, you only  have to click COMB6. You obtain the wanted list with a processing time depending on your computer and on the number of draws updated in the database. (This processing time will never exceed one minute for a computer with a 200 Mhz processor, this same calculation is very fast if you make daily updates directly from the Internet). You can then go through the generated list to display the statistics table for each combination.

Example : Moreover, in this example applied to France Loto, combinations are sorted by ascending distance (which means that the combination who appears in first position in the list is the one that was drawn the most recently among the most drawn combinations, you can check!) 



The number in brackets is the number of occurrences of the combination since the creation of the game. As for the two edit zones, they represent the lower limit and the upper limit for the number of occurrences of the 6 numbers combinations. You can vary the limits to select only the combinations that you want (in this case, we choose as lower limit, the upper limit to obtain only the most drawn combinations).



Which are the less drawn 3 numbers combinations ? Always in the Combinations tab, you have to switch to combinations according to the limits mode. Then, you choose 0 as upper limit to obtain the 3 numbers combinations never drawn.

Example : Still, it's possible to sort the combinations by ascending distance.

How many 3 numbers combinations are still never drawn ?



Which are the combinations with my selection of favorite numbers that were the more or less drawn (going from 2 to 7 numbers) ? To know it, you have to choose your selection of favorite numbers with the following selection grid :

Then, you have only to scroll, for any type of combinations, the interval that represent the limits to find out the specific limits of your selection of favorite numbers.
: For the 4 numbers combinations of the chosen selection, we found the following upper limit :




I want to know the 4 numbers combinations with the number 24 never drawn ! Very simple, check the number 24 in the grid selection, settle the limits at 0 for COMB4 (4 numbers combinations ) and click COMB4 to obtain the wanted list.



I want to know the DistanceMax made by a number ! You just have to sort the DistanceMax column from statistics table (Numbers tab) according to the descending order.

Example : Here, the DistanceMax is 57, made by number 16.



Which is the 2 numbers combination with the oldest drawn date ? Always in the combinations according to the limits, click COMB2 to calculate all the 2 numbers combinations. Activate the sort options and check the distance criteria and then descending order and finally click Sort List to obtain at the head of list the wanted combination.



How to display the drawn historic as well as the summary of the statistics for any number, any row and any combination ? You double click on the wording of the "Drawn" column for the combinations and of the "Numbers" column for the numbers (these wording representing the rows or the numbers):
The historic for the corresponding row opens almost immediately

Example : for a 4 numbers combination

7 20 24 31

You obtain the corresponding historic :


Can I choose not to take into account the bonus number in the analyses made by Loto Excel Universal ? Indeed, you will be able to choose to take into account or not the bonus number for the calculation of the statistics.
Thus there are two modes of analyses, the Simple Mode and the Bonus Mode (which as its name indicates, takes into account the bonus number).
Consequently you will be able to analyze the same number or the same combination according to two different points of view, which is perfectly innovating. For this, you just have to answer the following question (that Loto Excel Universal will ask you at each end of session):


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